Shedding skins / by Tahlia Roper

Shedding skins and I think about you, him, her, and everyone that I know or have seen.

I observe and examine, and in my mind do a little analysis on everyone, sometimes objectively, sometimes not. More often than not the analysis then turns to myself in reflection of any conclusions that I came to.

And I am always wanting to conclude things, to have a concrete yes/no on the situation.

Quick to remove myself from any deterioration of energy. Maybe too quick.

Trying to understand what in you(everyone) makes me scowl at your parts rather than openly loving everything as is.

Then there is the other concern, my time.

Am I in disservice to myself giving my time to anyone even if I feel there is a disconnect?

I've always found it strange that people hang out with people that they seem to hate or find very frustrating.

I wonder if I'm trying to make myself too comfortable by removing everything I don't like.

Is it bad, is it good? I don't know but I can tell you that for the most part I enjoy my life more when I'm not putting myself into situations that disturb some inner part of me.

But I have to be careful with that too, of course.

We must always be challenging ourselves and running towards the very things we are afraid of and even annoyed by. It makes us better, somehow.

There's no right answer here, I just try to maintain awareness of what I do and try to be patient with (most) people to see them through.


There's a bat that keeps trying to fly into my window, today I head to Antigua for a complete change of pace.